
Three prizes assigned by the Italian Physical Society have been awarded to researchers of INFN Milano




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The INFN Division and the Department of Physics at the University of Milan are celebrating three awards among those annually assigned by the Italian Society of Physics:

Lucio Rossi, along with Massimo Ferrario and Frank Zimmermann, has received the prestigious “Enrico Fermi” award, “for their outstanding developments on various advanced acceleration technologies.” Rossi played a fundamental role in research and development activities for high-field superconducting magnets. He was responsible for the realization of these magnets for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, the world’s largest accelerator, which enabled the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 through observations by the ATLAS and CMS detectors. The superconducting magnet system of the LHC remains the largest endeavor of applied superconductivity in the world. Rossi also proposed, founded, and initially directed the High Luminosity LHC project, aimed at increasing its luminosity by a factor of 10 through the introduction of cutting-edge technologies.

Flavia Groppi, together with Mariagabriella Pugliese from the Naples Division, has received the Award for Scientific Communication, “for promoting the national scientific communication project RADIOLAB, involving high school students in the topics of natural radioactivity.”

Davide Basilico has received the Ettore Pancini Fellowship for researchers under 35, “for substantially contributing, within the framework of the BOREXINO experiment, to data reduction and analysis methods that allowed for the first experimental measurement of neutrino fluxes from the CNO cycle.”

It should also be added that Carlo Vanoni, a graduate of Milan and currently a doctoral student at SISSA in Trieste, has won the Righi Award for young scholars.

The official award ceremony will take place on Monday, September 11th at 9:00 AM during the inaugural ceremony of the 109th SIF Congress at the  Rectorate “Vincenzo Buonocore” of the University of Salerno.


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