
BORMIO-2023: The 6th Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure

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The 6th Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure  was held in Bormio, Italy, from 6th to 11th February 2023. It was jointly organized by Università degli Studi di Milano and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (sez. Milano), with local organizers Angela Bracco, Franco Camera, Gianluca Colò and Silvia Leoni. It was sponsored by Università degli Studi di Milano, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, NuPECC and by the companies CAEN, AMETEK/ORTEC, SCIONIX, and MIRION/TNE.

This 2023 meeting was the sixth edition of the series of Topical Workshops which are organized every second year in the month of February in Bormio, by the Nuclear Structure Group of Milano, focusing on topics which are relevant for nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and nuclear astrophysics. This 2023 edition highlighted the most recent results from experiments with both stable and radioactive beams and neutron beams, as well as theoretical advances and physics perspectives. An overview of international facilities was also given and results from recent experimental campaigns with state-of-the-art detection setups were presented: AGATA at LNL and GANIL, LUNA at LNGS, GRETINA at ARGONNE, TIGRESS at TRIUMF, FIPPS at ILL, DESPEC at GSI, ISS at ISOLDE, etc. Activities in smaller laboratories were also discussed, contributing to underline the variety and complementarity of fundamental nuclear physics and applications around the world.

170 participants registered for the workshop, from 18 different countries within Europe, America, Asia and Africa. The International Advisory Committee proposed 47 invited speakers and a total of 107 talks were presented during morning and afternoon sessions with more than 30% given by PhD students and post-Doctoral researchers.

During the Conference Dinner, the four best talks by young speakers were rewarded with cash prizes kindly offered by the sponsor CAEN. They were assigned to Lorenzo Domenichetti (ILL Grenoble, France), Arwin Esmaylzadeh (Cologne University, Germany), Marta Polettini (Milano University and INFN, Italy) and Andrea Porro (CEA Saclay, France) by an International Award Committee, composed by W. Satula (Warsaw University, Poland), I. Dillmann (TRIUMF, Canada), A. Larsen (Oslo University, Norway), C. Michelagnoli (ILL Grenoble, France), and M. Saviozzi (CAEN, Italy).

The 7th edition of this series will be held in Bormio in February 2025, and we look forward to welcoming the Nuclear Structure community in two years, to continue with a lively, enjoyable and inspiring atmosphere, and with the same enthusiasm, successful response and high-quality scientific contents which have characterized the current and the previous editions.

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